Material flow planning and controlling, Freight optimization and Package/Load builder
1. Master Data
Locations master data – the intermediate points of the supply chain (name, address, type)
Accounts master data – information about entry and exit points of the supply network
Products master data – materials transported through the network
Shipments – information about the flow and shipments, dates and product demands
Supply and demand – information about the orders, accounts, dates and product demands (Optional)
Transportation cost – cost based on weight, volume, quantity, distance or combinations of those parameters. Those costs can be grouped by Case Type Sets (Optional)
Accounts master data – information about entry and exit points of the supply network
2. Vocabulary
Names used in W2MO and in the data templates
Memo: Data validation recommendation
- Please refer to the accompanying materials. Check to have obligatory information first and do not hesitate to inform in case of any questions. Please notify in case data could not be provided.
- Download ‘’ via ‘1. Master Data’ → ‘Download’. Insert data into the appropriate CSV file. Pay attention to the fields marked as ‘obligatory’.
- Master data basic validation tips:
- Check to have valid references
- Products included to the Orderlines, Internal Orderlines should be in the Products file
- Accounts included to the Orders should be in the Accounts file
- Accounts, Location candidate included in LNO orderdata should be in Accounts and Location candidate files
- Product volume: V item X items amount per case should be less or equal then V case; V case X cases amount per pallet should be less or equal then V pallet;
- Please note: it may take extra time to process raw data in their original files and formats. In this case the following must be specified
- Headers along with the description
- Units of measurement
- Shorthand separators
- If any additional data included, the description and usage targets must be clarified
- Check to have valid references