Onboard Label Reading
Add cameras to the top of your forklifts or existing AGVs or AMRs and let us do the rest. Our system performs barcode scanning or text reading during the approach for pick-up. First we recognize the packages or pallets, then we check whether each has a valid code. We can read several different barcodes at once and do a consistency check, so that only the right barcode is used for further processing. This product is compatible with all types of forklifts, AGVs, and AMRs – no matter which manufacturer or year of manufacture. In the standard setup it covers pallets up to 2 meters high and 1.2 meters wide. Broader or higher stacks can be done on request. The system is capable of scanning even stacks of multiple pallets during the pick-up process.
These onboard units interact with the AI-RTL&RS, acting as the initial pallet identification necessary for the tracking. As soon as the pallet is picked up by a forklift equipped with cameras, it is known to the RTL&RS system and all its further movements will be recorded.