W2MO allows an easy and intuitive data import from all available data sources offering a wide range of interfaces, Excel-/CSV-Integration, RESTful APIs and a general database connector.
These flexible interfaces as well as a standardized data import from operative systems (e.g. SAP) provide a simple and holistic integration into the existing system landscape.
Based on our experience with more than 500 successful customer projects over many years, we can advise you, which data (sources) are actually required and support you in gathering the data as well as in the process of data evaluation and data import.
If required, we can also (in coordination with your IT) extract the necessary data from your systems.
The simple tool integration allows a quick realization of first optimization potentials and ensures a short-term pay-off for your investment.
Moreover, the integration of W2MO enables holistic logistics planning without tool breaks and also supports you in creating extrapolated data for future developments (e.g. increase of order volume, change in order structure, etc.).
Warehouse Modeling
Summary of required data
In general, information regarding layout, products, order data, storage locations, packaging, positioning, material flow will be necessary. The following list is just a guideline and will be finalized during the kick-off meeting. Further additions/changes might be necessary.
Ideally, the observation period (e. g. week, month) includes data of a typical situation based on expected orders volume, as well as situations with high and low system utilization (strong week, low week, average week). All data should preferably be provided in CSV-file format.
Product Master Data
Order Data or picking list data (best per box)
Please provide both the raw orders and the boxes (picking list per box) created out of this orders.
Layout, storage of existing warehouses
Data of automated systems (if used)
Zone to Zone
Shuttle systems